Container Liners
Container Liners offer a cost-effective means of transporting bulk cargo in containers. Used for the right application they can even be more economical than Bulk Bags. Container Liners permit a high space utilisation of shipping containers therefore maximizing the return from transport costs per tonne. They can be loaded and unloaded quickly and dispatched with minimal labour cost, with the potential for product loss or damage reduced when compared to shipping bulk in the hold of vessels.
Following is a list of some of the products that can be packed in Container Liners:
- Resin
- Sugar
- Malt
- Meals
- Coffee beans
- Grains
- Cocoa beans
- Moisture sensitive powder

Container Liners
Produced from high quality Polyethylene making the liners strong and stable.
Easily recycled after use.
Container Liners eliminate the need to clean the container after the container has been unloaded and the liner removed.
Container Liners only weigh 10kgs making them easy to handle both prior to their first use and for re-use.
Once liners are emptied and folded they can be easily and economically shipped back to their origin ready for re-use.